Tuesday, 29 November 2011

my first craft fair

This sunday just gone i attended my first craft fair as a seller. I was totally pooping myself. Im a very nervous person i dont really cope under pressure and can easley go in to a melt down but i am finding that actually if i push myself a little i can do all those things i thought i couldnt do.
     Anyway this craft fair was being run by a friend of mine so it was a perfect starter fair so i put my 50s inspired dress on, loaded up the car and tootled on down to womborne. I set up my stall ok, i met lots of lovely people but it wasnt really too busy so i didnt take much money. i dont mind though because i am now no longer a craft fair virgin so doing more crft fairs should be a breeze (thats the idea anyway).

 Here are the pikkies of my stall, i think they maybe needed a bit more height?

anyway im thinking of maybe running a craft fair abit closer to where i live as there is nothing (and i mean nothing......zilch....zero) creative going on in poor old codsall villiage, so if anyone has any tips on running a craft fir id love to hear em.

right im off, frankie needs feeding...........again

look at his cute little dicky bow and smile. how can i say no to that ?
take care
x Becci x

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Baby Frankie update

Hi all, just a quick update from Bunny castle. Baby Frankie has settled right in he loves mummy cuddles, eating and sleeping he is 6 weeks old this week and has just started to smile although he only frowns when there is a camera pointed at him. Iv not had time to pee never mind do anything crafty but hubby very kindly took all 3 of the kids to his moms today and i had 6 wonderful hours to myself. i will do a post dedicated to my sunday makes when i get chance, i dont think ive ever got so much crafting done in one day! I also managed to work out how to use my new brother machine and its ace, i cant believe that i survived before without my automatic thread cutter and needle threader.

Here are some pics to keep you entertained........

 this is the massive nappy cake that my mom made me for frankie, she is so creative, thanks mom.

Frankie looking very co-ordinated in his purple polka dot pram (yes thats right i said purple polka dot pram, can you guess why i chose this pram over all the others available?) with the blanket i crocheted for him.

Frankie having a snooze in his ring sling, he loves his sling.

Frankie rockin out with daddy

Ok so theres your lot, i have been tryig to comment on your blogs but blogger hasnt been letting me. i asure you that i have been trying to keep up with you all, reading your blogs is the only thing that keeps me sane during the many many hours i seem to spend breast feeding :)

Take care
X Becci X